Tässäpä olisi hieman tarinaa muutaman viikontakaisesta Ruotsin seikkailusta.
Kävimme ihailemassa maisemia Ruotsin vuoristossa Ritsemin ja Kvikkjokkin suunnalla viikonlopun mittaisella pika lomalla.
Hello to everyone!
Here's a little story about a few week-long Swedish adventures.
We went to admire the scenery in the Swedish mountains on Ritsem and Kvikkjokk for a quick weekend break.
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Jällivaarassa ihailemassa maisemia |
The first place to stay was at a place called Vietas by the lake. We arrived in the dark and quickly set up the camp. We had started our trip at the end of the working day and the drive came to Vietas about 650km. It was great to get up in the morning and look around. We were completely surrounded by mountains there! From Vietas we drove to Ritsem village. Yes there were such spectacular scenery to drive there! The rain was a bit restrictive to explore Ritsem.
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Akka |
Ritsemistä päätimme lähteä kohti Jokkmokkia tankille ja syömään. Tankattuamme auton ja kyytiläiset lähdimme etsimään seuraavan yöleiripaikkaa Kvikkjokkin suuntaan. Ajoimme pieniä teitä etsien sopivaa leiripaikkaa, joka löytyikin sitten läheltä Kvikkjokkia järven rannalta.
Oli mahtavaa istua iltaa nuotion äärellä ja ihailla maisemia. Jossain vaiheessa iltaa alkoi ensin yksi susi ulvoa ja pian olikin koko lauma äänessä siellä. Tunti olevansa erämaassa!!
We decided to leave Ritsem towards Jokkmokk for a tank and eat. After filling up the car and the people on the ride, we set out to find the next night camp in the direction of Kvikkjokk. We drove small roads in search of a suitable campsite, which was then found near the lake by the Kvikkjokk.
t was wonderful to sit by the fire and admire the scenery. At some point in the evening, one wolf started to moan and soon there was a whole herd in the sound. An hour in the wilderness !!
We decided to leave Ritsem towards Jokkmokk for a tank and eat. After filling up the car and the people on the ride, we set out to find the next night camp in the direction of Kvikkjokk. We drove small roads in search of a suitable campsite, which was then found near the lake by the Kvikkjokk.
t was wonderful to sit by the fire and admire the scenery. At some point in the evening, one wolf started to moan and soon there was a whole herd in the sound. An hour in the wilderness !!
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Toisen yön leiripaikka. |
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Toisen yön leiripaikka |
Sunnuntaina sitten pienessä vesisateessa leirin purku ja siirtyminen kotimaan kamaralle.
On Sunday then, in a little rainfall, the camp was dismantled and moved to the Finnish Chamber.
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Keittiö |
Täällä suunnalla sitä tulee luultavasti käytyä uudestaankin!
Here we go again!!
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